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28 Things


To think that I’m really 28 now is quite scary (I mean it really blows my mind, I’m not even going to lie…I almost just want to scream inside lol). All those years of worry, busting ass, rushing, cursing myself – what for? Slow down guys…life really is something to be enjoyed. Take it one day at a time. Thought I’d toast to even surviving my adolescence through my early 20s – so here I go – 28 things:

1/ Be patient in love, your career, and life – these are all things that you have to live with forever and when you’re young, your values and decisions can change as often as you change your underwear so take your time. Pick carefully and don’t rush into anything.
2/ Where there is a will, there is a way. Stop complaining and just do. Even when “doing” feels like it’s going no where, adjust and just keep doing.
3/ Don’t listen to anyone who tells you something can’t be done. If you’re putting out the effort, it’s unpredictable what life can throw at you in the next 1-5 years.
4/ It’s really never to late to be what you might have been. I’ve been a paper pusher, a stock broker, a waitress, a manicurist, a hostess, an intern, a cake decorator – I recall reading Seventeen in high school…I was 15 at the time and thought, how awesome would it be to write about fashion and makeup for a living, but then I digressed thinking no way would I ever be able to make a living off of that. At 27, I would have never imagined freelance writing and eventually turning this fashion blogging situation into a full-time job. It still shakes me up every time.
6/ If you’re doing certain things to please your parents or live up to the expectations of those around you, cut the shit. One day you’ll realize it’s making you miserable and by then it might be too late. Stop now.
7/ What you don’t want repeated, don’t say. Even if you think someone won’t tell, they will. No such thing as secrets unless you keep it to yourself.
8/ Don’t chase anyone especially for “closure” – just let it go. Sometimes it’s best not knowing at all. (I thank the heavens for blessing me with the ability to let go.)
9/ Learn a hobby and practice til you perfect it – old dogs can learn new tricks, I don’t care what you say.
10/ It’s true, you become less ambitious and less competitive as you get older so be aware and don’t become jaded. It’s a scary situation.
11/ If you have the chance to travel, DO IT. GO NOW. Sometimes there’s no opportunity in the future like you have now. What are you waiting for?
12/ Don’t ever not do something for the sake of a boyfriend or girlfriend…hell they might just be temporary.
13/ What’s meant to be will find a way, but that doesn’t mean don’t fight for what you want. You should always fight for what you want.
14/ Good people don’t come often so when you have someone worthwhile, fight to keep them there. Be available.
15/ Always over prepare. You never know what might come up…I saved my own ass so many times doing this but only after learning some painful lessons under preparing.
16/ Learn to cook a meal or bake a cake. It’s important especially when you have a family.
17/ Respect your parents. When you’re young, you butt heads like crazy. You’ll think they’re always wrong, but you’ll eventually learn that they were right at times and perhaps you should have listened. In the end, they will always be there.
18/ Don’t hold grudges…the only person you’re hurting is yourself.
19/ Help those in need (sometimes the benefits come back tenfold and even if they don’t, you should do it anyways).
20/ Keep your eyes and ears open at all times – you never know what opportunities pop up your way.
21/ Always do your best. If something doesn’t work out, at least you know it wasn’t something you could have done better.
22/ Take lots of pictures. Years disappear so quickly that they’ll be all you have to look back on.
23/ You might be on good grounds now, but never look down on someone who is busting ass and trying to do better. That could be you one day.
24/ Take care of your body, your skin, your health – it really does deteriorate exponentially with age and almost impossible to recover. How I wish I took better care of skin and slept more.
25/ Nothing is ever as it appears. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
26/ Cease comparison. It really is the thief of happiness. The best things for you are to come.
27/ If you have any doubts, the answer is no.
28/ God really is good even when it doesn’t feel like it (and even if you don’t believe in God).

Long ass post, but I hope you gained something 🙂 Cheers to many more.

Forever 21 Top/skirt/trench, Zara Scarf, ALC bag, Marc Fisher Boots